How to upgrade your SMASH! ticket?

How to upgrade your SMASH! ticket?

Bought a Saturday only ticket and now wish to go both days?
Bought a Sunday ticket and now wish to go on Saturday instead?

No problem! Upgrade your order by following the simple steps below.

NOTE: You must have a SMASH! Account in order to upgrade your order. If you do not have a SMASH! Account, please create an account first, go to the Account Page and link your existing order to the newly created SMASH! account.


Step 1: Proceed to your paid order (login to your SMASH! Account, go to My Account, view your order) and press “Upgrade Order” .


Step 2: Remove items by pressing the [x] on an item.


Step 2.1: Or simply add more items by pressing “Add More Items”


Step 3: Select the item quantities you would like your new order to have. (NOTE: screenshots were taken in the past, the same items may not be available for purchase when viewed).


Step 4: Go to payment


Step 5: Confirm your items, and the total that you will need to pay (NOTE: the total is calculated based on the total price of all the items plus the 2% handling fee minus the previous payment).


Step 6: Enter your Debit or Credit Card details and finish the payment.

Once complete you will receive an email confirming your upgrade was successful.


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